4 Reasons Why Children Need To See Their Pediatrician In Elizabeth NJ Every Year

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Dentistry

It is important that parents take their children to the Pediatrician in Elizabeth NJ regularly. Many children go to the pediatrician throughout the year when they are sick and they should also go for an annual checkup. There are a few reasons why these visits are so important.

Regular Height and Weight Checks

When a child visits the pediatrician for their annual visit, their weight and height will be checked. If a child is overweight, the pediatrician can recommend the necessary steps that the parents should take to help their child maintain a healthy weight. The same is true if the child is underweight. In this case, the pediatrician will try to find a medical cause for the child’s failure to thrive so they can create a treatment plan to get the child to a healthy weight.

Scheduled Vaccinations

Children require many vaccinations to keep them healthy now and in the future. There are certain ages where children should be vaccinated and certain ages that they would need booster shots. When a child visits the pediatrician, they will get the vaccinations that they are due for. This is especially important when the child is ready to start school. Children are not allowed to attend school until they have received all of the necessary vaccinations.

Questions and Concerns

Many parents have medical questions and concerns regarding their children. This is especially true for new parents of infants and toddlers. If the child is not sleeping at night, if they aren’t eating, or if they are exhibiting any behavior that has the parents worried, these things can all be discussed with the pediatrician during the child’s annual visit.

An Evaluation of the Child’s Overall Health

When a child goes to their annual visit to the pediatrician, their overall health would be evaluated. At certain ages, the child would need to have the level of lead in their blood tested. The pediatrician will also check the child’s lung function, their vision, and the health of their ears, nose, and throat. If the child is having any health issues, they will be caught during their annual visit to the pediatrician.

Regular visits to the Pediatrician in Elizabeth NJ are very important to a child’s health now and in the future. For more information, contact ChildSmilesFamilySmiles or Click here.

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